Cathedral Live Oak

Name: Quercus Virginiana (Cathedral ® Live Oak)
Size: 60’+ x 60′
Habit Of Growth:  Wide, spreading, with horizontal branches as a mature tree; typically, more vertical as a juvenile
Light: Full Sun
Soil: Widely adaptable – will thrive in high or low PH sites with reasonably good drainage
Water: Grows best with even moisture; will tolerate occasional flooding and periods of drought after establishment
Cold Tolerance: Zones 7 – 10 Landscape Uses Live oaks are suitable for many applications; boulevards, parking lots, windbreaks, shade trees and as wildlife habitats



When mature these trees can be unto 60′ plus by 60′.

Soil Requirements

Widely adaptable – will thrive in high or low PH sites with reasonably good drainage

Water Requirements

Grows best with even moisture; will tolerate occasional flooding and periods of drought after establishment

Habit of Growth

Wide, spreading, with horizontal branches as a mature tree; typically, more vertical as a juvenile

Special Attributes:

This large native tree is wind resistant, tolerant of diverse conditions and has few pest problems of consequence. Live oaks should be considered as an enduring feature of the landscape.

Identified in 1994 as a superior seedling at Shadowlawn Nursery, Cathedral Oak® was the first live oak cultivar to be selected for its strong central leader, evenly spaced branching habit and dense, dark green leaves. In juvenility the Cathedral Oak® is pyramidal in shape but over time will mature to ovoid. The parent tree is 16 years old from an acorn and is 35 feet tall, 30 feet wide and has an 18″ caliper. Cathedral Oak® branches at wide angles strong enough to support its vigorous growth and its central leader is easily maintained at any stage of the tree’s maturity. This makes Cathedral Oak® easier for the grower to manage and provides a desirable solution to stricter landscape ordinances. Many small, interior branches help form the dense canopy without crossing or crowding other branches. This sturdy structure lends itself to a stronger tree with age. Cathedral Oak’s® leaves are darker green than standard seedlings and it will hold its lush green growth longer through the winter when other live oaks may go semi-deciduous. Cathedral Oak® is well suited as a street tree, especially when planted in rows or groups which will highlight the tree’s uniformity in shape, size, and growth habit.

Cathedral Oak Acorn

Cathedral Oak Leaves

Contact us today so you can order your Cathedral oak trees.

We can delivery or prepare for you to pickup.